About us

Where we've come from. Where we're going.

Storm employee working on a laptop
Two colleagues sitting at a desk working together with laptops open
Storm employee glancing to the side and smiling
A storm employee happy to be drinking a cup of coffee
Storm employee sitting in a comfortable chair conversing with colleagues
Storm employee working hard in the office

Our story

Since 2001, we've been at the forefront of digital transformation. Our journey began with a real desire to change how things are done in digital. We've continued to embrace the opportunities that change brings.

With our roots in Edinburgh, we’ve expanded our reach across the UK. Driven by a dedication to pushing what's possible and exploring new horizons. We deliver services today that were unimaginable when we started out.

We've been committed to change for our people too. Ensuring everyone can continually learn, grow and adapt has been pivotal to our success over the years. It's not uncommon to hear someone say they've learnt more in 6 months here than in 6 years somewhere else.

From the very beginning, we’ve aspired to go above and beyond what a lot of other digital consultancies do. We’ve always aimed to be true collaborators with our clients to support their digital and data transformations. From reimagining legacy business models to revitalising entire companies.

We're really proud of the work we've done, but we never rest on our laurels. Digital and data are always changing. And we're excited for the opportunities that change will continue to bring.

Our values

Go above and beyond

E​veryone at Storm has each other’s back. It doesn’t matter if it’s inconvenient, if it’s early, if it’s late or it’s out of our comfort zone; we’re there for each other.

Battle complacency

Change happens whether you like it or not. Nothing stays the same, so you can either roll with it and get better, or fight against it and get worse. We choose change.

Expand your zone of genius

We believe knowledge is power. We are intensely interested in the things that we care about and want to learn everything we can, from everyone we can.

Keep hold of the buck

If we say we’re going to do something, then we do it. We always assume responsibility for own work, choices and actions. We never, ever blame, shame or pass the buck.

Be genuine

Refreshingly free from corporate stuffiness, this is an open-minded place where everyone is free to be themselves, safe in the knowledge that they’ll always be treated with respect.


In alignment with Scottish Government policy, we have a target of reaching net zero emissions by 2045. To do this, we're finding new ways to reduce our environmental impact and improve our efficiency and sustainability through education and innovation.

We've adopted flexible working as default, migrated internal infrastructure to the cloud and localised the supply chain wherever possible. We're also implementing new sustainable development practices.

In redesigning this very website, we've aimed to be as light and low-carbon as possible. Taking a text-first approach and only using heavier elements like images and video when really needed, reducing the weight of the site.


We care about creating an inclusive and equitable environment for everyone who works with us. One that values diversity and enriches our culture, helps us perform better and lets us be properly innovative.

We really want to create a sense of belonging and mutual respect among our colleagues, partners and clients.

However, we know we're not perfect. We know that inclusion is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning, listening and action. Our People and Culture Forum ensures we commit to this continuous improvement.