UCI Cycling World Championships 2023
Sharing the biggest cycling event ever.
The ask
The world's greatest riders got together in Glasgow and across Scotland in August 2023 to compete at the UCI Cycling World Championships. It was billed as the largest ever event of its kind. It also acted as a catalyst for sustainable and inclusive change, by inspiring people to get on their bikes through mass participation events.
We needed to build an engaging website that could evolve as the championships progressed. It needed to be flexible and scalable in order to efficiently serve fans and audiences before, during, and after the events. It also had to showcase partners, funders and travel packages provided by third parties.
Users leading up to the championship
Sessions during the championships
Engagement rate during the championships
Tight timescales and getting stakeholder buy-in were significant challenges. We used hybrid workshops, doing our best to ensure the online side of the equation didn’t feel left out.
There were also quite a few unknowns - not every event, location, or sponsor had been finalised yet. So we had to make sure what we built could accommodate change. We needed to provide everything the audience needs to know in a clear, easy way.
We used Umbraco to provide flexible templates and components. We configured Microsoft Azure hosting infrastructure to support significant spikes in traffic during ticket launch and the event itself. And we used MailChimp to send updates about ticket launches and event information.
With only 11 weeks for design and development, we met the hard deadline for initial delivery in July 2022. The first iteration of the website contained all core features and content types. The second release in September 2022 added richer content around events and venues. The client was extremely happy with the rapid, high-quality work we produced.
"The site looks excellent and I can see what a mammoth task it's been."